Month: September 2018

New article in Nuclear Instruments and Methods Section A

The GEp-III/GEp-2γ collaboration, with Professor Puckett as the lead author, drafted a paper describing technical aspects of the data analysis of both experiments, including the details of the final systematic uncertainty evaluation. The paper, published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods Section A, volume 910, pages 54-78 (2018),  was intended as a supplement to our recent archival publication, and as a reference for use by future experiments and/or data analyses using the same or similar equipment and methods.

Eric Fuchey to present nDVCS concept/proposal at SPIN 2018 conference

Postdoctoral research associate Eric Fuchey is attending SPIN 2018, the 23rd International Spin Symposium, to be held Sept. 10-14, 2018 in Ferrara, Italy. Dr. Fuchey will present the proposal he is developing to study the DVCS process on the neutron using the low-energy “spectator proton tagging” technique in Hall A using the same beam time as the conditionally approved, “Tagged DIS” experiment. The abstract of the talk can be found here.