Author: Andrew Puckett

Provakar Datta Thesis Defense, September 18, 2024

Provakar Datta successfully defended his thesis titled “Precision Measurements of the Neutron Magnetic Form Factor to High Momentum Transfer using Durand’s Method” on September 18, 2024. From October to December, Provakar stayed on as a postdoc in the group, before starting a new postdoctoral position at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.


Provakar celebrating with the committee after successfully defending his thesis
From left to right: Associate Advisor Richard Jones, Associate Advisor Tom Blum, Dr. Provakar Datta, Major Advisor Andrew Puckett, Kyungseon Joo.

Sebastian Seeds Thesis Defense (July 19)

Sebastian successfully defended his thesis titled “The Two-Photon-Exchange Contribution to Electron-Neutron Elastic Scattering and Extraction of GMn at Q2 = 4.5 GeV2 in Hall A at Jefferson Lab” on Friday, July 19, 2024. After completing his Ph.D., Sebastian will start a new position as Staff Scientist 2 at Los Alamos National Laboratory, in the Intelligence and Space Research Division.

The thesis can be found here: Thesis PDF

JLab PAC52 approves new two-day experiment using SBS

Professor Puckett traveled to Jefferson Lab in July 2024 to defend an experiment proposal developed with Professors Jan Bernauer of Stony Brook University and Axel Schmidt of George Washington University at the 52nd meeting of Jefferson Lab’s Program Advisory Committee (PAC52). PAC52 approved the proposal with an “A-” scientific rating. The proposal was to add a short (two days of beam time), opportunistic, high-precision measurement to the upcoming experiment E12-07-109 in Hall A at JLab (of which Professor Puckett is also a co-spokesperson). This short “add-on” measurement to an upcoming experiment would improve the precision of the polarization transfer data for the proton form factor ratio as measured in electron-proton scattering by a factor of four at a squared four-momentum transfer of 3.7 GeV2. This improvement is necessary to enable a precise comparison to a planned future measurement using positron beams at the same or similar momentum transfer, aimed at resolving the long-standing discrepancy between cross section and polarization measurements in the determination of the proton’s form factor ratio. The precision goals are driven by the expected magnitude of two-photon-exchange contributions widely thought to be responsible for the discrepancy.

The experiment proposal as submitted to PAC52 can be found here.

Professor Puckett’s presentation to PAC52 can be found here.

The figure below shows the approved measurement compared to existing data and a planned future positron measurement at the same Q2:

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50 Years of Quantum Chromodynamics Published in EPJ C

The “50 Years of Quantum Chromodynamics” invited review by the European Physical Journal C is now published online at the following link:

Professor Puckett contributed section 10.1 on nucleon electromagnetic form factors. The review is a comprehensive history and introduction to research in QCD intended to serve as a useful reference for researchers in the field from beginning graduate students to senior physicists, as well as a snapshot of current research and future directions in the field.

UConn physics SBS collaborators at Hawaii DNP Meeting, 2023

Professor Puckett and UConn physics graduate students Provakar Datta and Sebastian Seeds were part of a strong contingent of Hall A SBS Collaborators at the recent APS DNP/JPS meeting on the big island of Hawaii, reporting on the progress of various data analyses and the preparations for upcoming experiments. This was the 6th Joint Meeting of the American Physical Society’s Division of Nuclear Physics (APS DNP) and the Physical Society of Japan (JPS). More information about the meeting, including the abstracts and authors, can be found at the meeting website.

SBS collaborators in attendance at the Hawaii DNP meeting pose for a photo following a contributed session with many SBS-related talks.
SBS collaborators in attendance at the Hawaii DNP meeting pose for a photo following a contributed session with many SBS-related talks. Professor Puckett (back row, left), Provakar Datta (front row, left), Sebastian Seeds (back row, third from left), and former UConn postdoc Eric Fuchey (back row, third from right), now at William and Mary.
UConn graduate student Sebastian Seeds starts his talk.
UConn graduate student Sebastian Seeds starts his talk.
SBS Collaboration Members attending the Hawaii DNP meeting, Nov. 2023
SBS Collaboration Members attending the Hawaii DNP meeting pose outside the conference venue.

SBS Collaboration Meeting, July 17-18, 2023

Professor Puckett and UConn graduate students Provakar Datta, Sebastian Seeds, and Kip Hunt participated in the Super BigBite Spectrometer (SBS) Collaboration Meeting at Jefferson Lab on July 17-18, 2023. In the two-day meeting, talks were presented on the status of ongoing experiments, SBS equipment developments, data analysis of completed experiments, preparations for upcoming experiments, and ideas for future experiments using SBS equipment. Additionally, on the first day, Dr. Anatoly Radyushkin gave a seminar on recent developments in the calculation of the nucleon’s quark distributions in lattice gauge theory. At the end of the meeting, an “end of run party” for the first two completed experiments was held at the SURA Residence Facility.

SBS Collaboration photo, July 2023
Attendees of the SBS Collaboration Meeting pose for a group photo at Jefferson Lab in Newport News, Va., on Monday, July 17, 2023. (Photo by Aileen Devlin | Jefferson Lab)

Hall A Winter Collaboration Meeting and High-Energy Workshop

Professor Puckett was at Jefferson Lab the week of January 23-27 to give an invited talk on the science that would be enabled by a potential future energy upgrade of CEBAF to 22 GeV, for the Jefferson Lab Users’ Organization Board of Directors Meeting, and for the Hall A Winter Collaboration Meeting.

The invited talk at the high-energy workshop can be viewed here.

At the Hall A Meeting, Professor Puckett and his graduate students Provakar Datta and Sebastian Seeds all gave invited talks, see below:

Professor Puckett’s talk

Provakar Datta’s talk

Sebastian Seeds’ talk

Winter Hall A Collaboration meeting held at Jefferson Lab on Thursday, January 26, 2023. (Photo by Aileen Devlin | Jefferson Lab)

UConn/SBS Graduate Students Win JLUO Poster Competition

Graduate students from the SBS collaboration won the first (Provakar Datta, UConn) and 3rd (Maria Satnik, College of William and Mary) prizes and an honorable mention (Sebastian Seeds, UConn) in the graduate student poster competition at the Jefferson Lab Users’ Organization annual meeting.

Links to the posters and short video overviews of the posters can be found at the following link: